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Fairytale Entertainment had the privilege of performing with our walking dinosaur at the North American International Auto Show this year. Our realistic walking velociraptor dinosaur, who we call Blue, had the distinct honor of being an entertaining feature throughout the first week of the North American International Auto Show. You may have seen him on Fox 2 as well as several other news outlets during his week of dinosaur events.
Our dinosaur event took place among several car exhibits including the Ford Raptor showcase. Our walking raptor dinosaur elevated the experience for the media and industry guests as they found themselves face to face with a live walking dinosaur. We found that Blue captured the attention of the adult audience, leaving them in awe of how realistic and life-like our raptor dinosaur was. Blue quickly captured the attention of the intelligent crowd, prompting them to quickly grab their smartphones in order to capture the unique spectacle our walking dinosaur was creating among the sleek designs of the new automobiles.
Blue also had the privilege of standing snout to snout with the Detroit Mounted Police as they found themselves together during a television interview. Our realistic dinosaur costume eventually convinced several of the horses that he was a real threat as they became slightly spooked. Blue wisely retreated to avoid an escalation and possible citation for an unleashed walking dinosaur.
If you would like to elevate your next event with our amazing cast of realistic dinosaurs, give us a call today. If you would like to rent dinosaurs for your birthday party or event, our sales team will be happy to guide you through the process and get this scheduled today! We can guarantee you will have your guests talking for a very long time!
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